Entertainment | Rooftop Film Club Hollywood
The U.K’s leading outdoor cinema company—the Rooftop Film Club—takes residence at The Montalbãn through September 19.
Events | Los Angeles Labor Day Weekend Events
Looking for Los Angleles Labor Day Weekend events? We’ve listed the best Los Angeles things to do on Labor Day weekend.
Patina Next Course Offers Interactive Culinary Classes
The series of classes in cooking, wine and water is lead by Patina Executive Chef Paul Lee, Award-Winning Sommelier Silvestre Fernandes and Water Sommelier Martin Riese.
Entertainment | 10 Los Angeles Things to do Before Summer Ends
Despite the never-ending sunshine, summer only lasts for a few months in L.A. Check out our roundup of the best Los Angeles things to do before the season drifts away.
Attractions | 10 Top Los Angeles Tours
We’ve rounded up 10 top Los Angeles tours, from the new to the updated classics, that explore parts of Los Angeles hidden from plain sight.
Entertainment | Everything Fun to Do at a Los Angeles Beach
If you’re looking for some of the best things to do in LA, there’s no better way to spend a day than at a Los Angeles Beach.
Theater | Plays in Los Angeles: August 2015
Check out the best plays in Los Angeles this month.
Drink | Tannins & Tans at Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles
Wine Wednesday takes off this summer with Tannins & Tans wine tasting at the Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles.
Wellness | Find Yoga, Retail & Dining at Wanderlust in Hollywood
Wanderlust began as a festival for yogis and artists and now has expanded into an international community and, in L.A., a yoga studio.
Art | LAXART in Hollywood
Lauri Firstenberg makes bold stokes in the art world with LAXART contemporary art space in Hollywood.