Must-Have Avocado Dishes During dineL.A. Restaurant Week

dineL.A. Restaurant Week tempts appetites—especially with avocado-centric dishes—July 18-31.
Must-Try Food at the 2016 OC Fair

From Kool-Aid hot wings to French toast bacon bombs, the 2016 OC Fair debuts new must-try deep fried, battered and on-a-stick food items. Here’s a drool-worthy list of some of our favorites.
Los Angeles Outdoor Summer Concerts

Are you looking for the best things to do in LA this summer? Spend your evenings under the stars with these Los Angles summer concerts all over the city.
Plays in Los Angeles: July 2016

Check out the best plays in Los Angeles this month.
Los Angeles Restaurants to Eat at this Week

Each week we spotlight top Los Angeles restaurants, dining and drinking experiences you need to try.
Los Angeles Restaurants to Eat at this Week

Each week we spotlight top Los Angeles restaurants, dining and drinking experiences you need to try.
4th of July Events in Los Angeles

Looking for the best Los Angeles things to do to celebrate Independence Day? We’ve lined up the best 4th of July events in Los Angeles.
The Return of the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre in the Hollywood Hills

The John Anson Ford Amphitheatre reopens in July following a nearly two-year renovation. Improvements include a new stage and state-of-the-art audio and lighting.
Where to Watch Outdoor Movies in Los Angeles

Grab a picnic, blankets and chairs to enjoy your favorite movies alfresco in LA. Here’s are list of the top spots to watch outdoor movies in Los Angeles this summer.
Hollywood Bowl Dining Guide

From picnics to tacos, sushi and more, here’s what to eat and drink at the Hollywood Bowl this year.