Hatch Chile season is almost over! Hailing from Hatch, New Mexico, these peppers are uniquely delicious (both spicy and sweet) and Gelson’s has so many great ways to enjoy ’em.
Stop by and pick up Hatch Chile Salad, Hatch Chile Sausage, Hatch Chile Burgers, Flank Steak Roll with Hatch Chiles & Pepper Jack Cheese, Hatch Chile Crab Cakes, and more—perfect for easy, no-fuss, gourmet dining.
They’re the ideal addition to lots of dishes, including omelets, baked chicken, pasta, sandwiches, dips, salsa and more.
Want to try before you buy? Come to a Gelson’s roasting event and sample Hatch Chile specialty items. See what you like, learn about the growing process, and talk with our friendly team of experts.
We’ll be hosting these events through mid-September. Stop in your local Gelson’s or visit gelsons.com for the list of roasting dates.
Come to Gelson’s and get Hatch happy!