Primary Typefaces

This is a H1 heading

Size: 35 px / 26.25 pt
Weight: Bold

This is a H2 heading

Size: 30 px  / 22.5 pt
Weight: Semibold

This is a H3 heading

Size: 26 px  / 19.5 pt
Weight: Regular

this is a subheading

Size: 18 px  / 13.5 pt
Letter Spacing: 0.2 px / 0.15 pt
Weight: Light

This is a pre-header

Size: 16 px  / 12 pt
Letter Spacing: 4 px / 3 pt
Weight: Light

This is body text. This is body text. This is body text. This is body text. This is body text. This is body text. This is body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra. Magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent.

Size: 16 px  / 12 pt
Line Height: 24px / 18 pt
Weight: Light

Accent Heading

Size: 250 px  / 187.5 pt
Opacity: 15%
Weight: Bold

Accent H1 heading

Size: 100 px  / 75 pt
Weight: Bold

Accent H2 heading

Size: 65 px  / 48.75 pt
Weight: Regular

Accent H3 heading

Size: 45 px  / 33.75 pt
Weight: Regular

Accent H1 heading

Size: 100 px  / 75 pt
Weight: Bold

Accent H2 heading

Size: 65 px  / 48.75 pt
Weight: Regular

Accent H3 heading

Size: 45 px  / 33.75 pt
Weight: Regular




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