Nightlife | Unwind at Rose Wine Pub

Unwind at Rose Wine Pub

rose-wine-pub-south-parkSouth Park’s charming Rose Wine Pub is a place to gather with friends, relax and sink into the natural feeling of the historic location.

Tucked away off the main road in South Park, Rose Wine Pub is a charming, quaint wine bar that engages all of the senses as it offers an intimate space to relax while enjoying great wine, craft beer and a light menu. The wine selection features many small production vineyards all over the world, which gives guests the opportunity to taste options they may not find elsewhere. The Rose is a neighborhood place takes pride in the history of the local community with special touches like wine storage constructed from the reclaimed redwood of a historic South Park home and being named for the historic location it occupies. 2219 30th St., San Diego. 619.280.1815.



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